- Rectilinear motion, graphical solutions, Curvilinear x, y, z motion, Curvilinear n, t, b motion
- Dependant motion, independent motion
- Dquation of metion x, y, z, equation of motion n, t, b
- Principle of work and energy
- Power and efficiency, conservation of energy
- Linear momentum, conservation of linear momentum, Impact, angular momentum
- Rectilinear motion, graphical solutions, Curvilinear x, y, z motion, Curvilinear n, t, b motion
- Dependant motion, independent motion
- Dquation of metion x, y, z, equation of motion n, t, b
- Principle of work and energy
- Power and efficiency, conservation of energy
- Linear momentum, conservation of linear momentum, Impact, angular momentum
- Rotation about a fixed axis, relative velocity analysis, instantaneous center of zero velocity
- Relative acceleration analysis
- Moment of inertia, equation of motion-translation
- Equation of motion-fixed axis rotation, equation of motion-general plane motion
- Principle of work and energy, conservation of energy
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